So remember Tuesday when I said that I down really own any polishes I don't like? Well... I might have to amend that statement.
First of all, the newest American Apparel polishes have this TERRIBLE tendency to separate into layers of pigment. I spent about ten minutes straight shaking the heck out of my bottle of Trenchcoat just to get it to look normal. I have six of the newer AA polishes, and the ALL have the same problem. It's really annoying and frustrating. You can see some of the problem in my pictures, even after vigorous shaking.
At first glance Trenchcoat looks really cool, and it's definitely unique. It's a camel/tan/yellowish color like nothing I own. The closest thing I have is China Glaze - Classic Camel, which looks MUCH better with my skintone than this one.
I just really hated how this polish looked on me. So blah. I usually love ugly/pretty colors that sort of make you want to puke, and sort of make you want to smile at the same time! This one had the puke factor, but I wasn't smiling. It's okay, but when there are so many options out there for nail color, I wouldn't choose this one again. I think this will be finding it's way into my bag of polishes for Zoya's Earth Day exchange.
In better polish news, I finally caved and ordered three of the new China Glaze Crackle polishes from Amazon the other day! I chose the black, gray, and pink. The white was too streaky, the purple was metallic, and the mint green just didn't inspire me. So look for swatches of those babies as soon as I have them! They're not being sold around here yet, but should hit stores in March.
Thanks for reading, and please follow!
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